My obsession with the brain and THC/CBD
I’m writing this article to share helpful research I’ve found on how the use of cannabis can benefit the brain. Particularly, how cannabis can benefit patients with Dementia or Alzheimer’s Disease. It’s also my primary reason for founding Flower of Life.
First, let me explain why this is of utmost importance for me to share.
I had a maternal grandmother that had both Dementia and Alzheimer Disease (AD) which was verified through an autopsy in 1997. I watched the mind of a highly educated, health-conscious vegetarian, deteriorate to the point of not being able to eat, speak or recognize her loved ones. Also, my father died from Alzheimer’s in 2004 and although I was fortunate that he didn’t forget who I was most of the time, sometimes he thought I was my mother/his wife. When my father was no longer able to take care of himself, he came to live with me, my husband, and son. We were blessed that we had been able to care for him in our home until he passed. I selfishly wished I could have had even more time and do more with this man, my father.
I have continued to educate myself by researching where my grandmother left off.
Interestingly, she realized she had Alzheimer’s way before anyone had a clue. At the time, my grandmother was researching through library systems due to there not being “the internet”. You know that saying, “man if only I knew that would have helped back, then I would have…” Well that is me. If I would have known that THC/CBD would help reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease I would have had my father and grandmother using it way back then. I don’t want to have any more of those regrets going forward, so instead I drive people crazy telling them about the medical research I have come across that will help people live longer, healthier lives. Anyone that has known me longer than a week or two can tell you my passion is extremely strong in trying to help those with mental decline.
About every 66 seconds someone in America has been diagnosed with AD or dementia.
Statistics show that more than 5 Million people have been diagnosed with AD and that it is the 6th leading cause of death in America and costs 236.6 BILLION dollars a year. More people die from Alzheimer’s than breast cancer and prostate cancer combined. About every 66 second someone in America has been diagnosed with AD or dementia.
It has been documented that among Baby Boomers which smoked marijuana back in the late 60s on a regular basis had a reduced risk of Alzheimer’s in their later years. It is very important to know that accredited studies have shown that the THC/CBD has helped reduce amyloid plaque build-up in the brain and lower the inflammation that is known to promote AD. The benefits of THC/CBD can be said about ALS, Parkinson, and Huntington disease as well.
I believe THC/CBD strain mixture needs to be a more balanced mixture.
Not just one with high a percentage of THC. Nature gave us this natural product containing both CBD and THC for a reason and by neglecting this symbiotic relationship, we lose out on the full benefits of cannabis. That’s why it’s important to me that at Flower of Life, we grow balanced CBD/THC strains, so that these cannabinoids can work together as nature had designed.
My hope is to educate others.
And share research that dedicated, hard -working scientists have found so that we can all live healthier lives. Please feel free to share any comments, research or personal stories you’ve experienced related to Dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. My ongoing hope is to write about different ways THC/CBD can benefit all areas of life and to share other ways to promote brain health.